Building Team Performance

High performing teams are made up of focused, skilled and aligned employees who achieve greatness beyond the sum of their parts. Basketball legend Michael Jordan sums it up well, “talent […]

Leading Virtual Teams

Remote work has quickly become a common occurrence in most sectors and industries, making it imperative that managers gain the correct skills to engage and lead their staff from afar. […]

Implementing Continuous Improvement

In the rapidly evolving business environment, if you are not improving then you are falling behind. The Implementing Continuous Improvement virtual learning series explores the imperative for all organisations to […]

Resilience During Uncertainty

In times of upheaval, continued success requires calm, considered, and rational behaviour. The Resilience During Uncertainty virtual learning series provides valuable skills and insights to help you navigate situations and […]

Design Thinking Essentials

‘Disrupt or be disrupted’ is a common catchphrase for business in the 21st century. To succeed in today’s rapidly changing business environment, innovation is critical to compete in almost every […]

ALFA Margin & People Management (MPM) Program

ALFA’s MPM Program is designed to provide lot feeders and industry professionals with a deeper understanding of how to manage a modern feedlot business. Description Skills required to run any successful […]