In times of upheaval, continued success requires calm, considered, and rational behaviour.

The Resilience During Uncertainty virtual learning series provides valuable skills and insights to help you navigate situations and events that could leave you feeling out of touch, out of sorts, or simply out of control. During this interactive series you will examine what you currently do that enables you to effectively manage the demands of work and life, while gaining new tools, techniques, and strategies to better cope during times of ambiguity.

The Resilience During Uncertainty virtual class is made for individuals who are seeking the skills and insight to effectively navigate challenging times and thrive regardless.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Recognise the difference between ‘acceptable pressures’ and stress and the importance of developing cognitive hardiness
  • Identify, analyse, and synthesise causes and effects of uncertainty
  • Operate successfully within the limits of own circles of control and influence
  • Identify the strengths and limitations of different coping styles and when to apply them
  • Apply realistic optimism to reframe unhelpful thoughts and feelings
  • Recognise personal stressors and apply techniques to build resilience
  • Apply techniques to maintain physical and mental health during periods of unpredictability


Entry or Workplace Requirements

There are no entry or workplace requirements to attend this course.

Delivery Method and Time Requirements

Online Virtual Learning Session – 2 x 90-minute sessions across 2 days


$445.50 (includes 10% Feedlot TECH discount)

Australian Institute of Management

Geordie Weber
Feedlot TECH Account Manager
Phone: 02 9956 3963 / 0449 612 131