Feedlot Covered Housing Systems: Best Practice Design and Management Manual

The main objective of the project was to deliver a Feedlot covered housing systems: best practice design and management manual, backed by a literature review of national and international developments […]
Handbook of best practice guidelines for the Australian feedlot industry

The aim of this handbook is to provide a concise guide and reference document for feedlot operators and their employees to promote improved practices in the Australian feedlot industry. The […]
The Australian Beef Sustainability Framework

The Australian Beef Sustainability Framework defines sustainable beef production in the Australian context and tracks the industry’s performance in addressing key priorities against a series of indicators annually. It was […]
NFAS Rules & Standards

The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) underpins the integrity of the Australian beef feedlot industry. Go To Resource Go to NFAS Information
Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines – Land Transport of Livestock

This document informs all those with responsibility for the land transport of livestock, of the minimum transport welfare requirement for all livestock in Australia. These standards and guidelines are being […]
Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines for Cattle

This document informs all those with responsibility for the care and management of cattle, of the minimum welfare requirement for all cattle in Australia. These standards and guidelines are being […]
MSA Standards

The current versions of the MSA Standards can be found through MLA. MSA Standards
Antimicrobial Stewardship Guidelines

The Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines provide a continuous improvement framework that will help lot feeders understand and ensure appropriate use of antimicrobials and therefore reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance. Download […]
National Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots in Australia (3rd Edition)

The Guidelines are designed as a companion document to the National Beef Cattle Feedlot Environmental Code of Practice. The Guidelines provide ‘guidance’ on how the Code of Practice requirements regarding […]