ChemCert Chemical Risk Management AQF4 is for those managers and supervisors who take responsibility for developing and implementing pest management programs and chemical use strategies in workplaces or students who want to pursue employment as supervisors and need to attain the higher level Accreditation than the AQF3. 

Attainment of this qualification has the benefits of:

  • Demonstrating Duty of Care and Due Diligence in chemical management
  • Implement risk management practice with a holistic spray plan
  • Implement best practice in chemical management.


Units Achieved

The ChemCert AQF4 Accreditation includes the two units:

  • AHCCHM404 Develop procedures to minimise risks in the use of chemicals
  • AHCCHM405 Plan and implement a chemical use program


Topics Covered

  • Integrated resistance and pest management
  • Work Health and Safety Risk management
  • Records management and maintenance
  • Chemical application management, focusing on application equipment
  • Environmental risk management
  • Staff training strategies



Over 16 years old and have at least yr10 level English reading level. Students are required to have obtained the AQF-3 units (AHCCHM303 Prepare and Apply Chemicals and AHCCHM304 Transport and Store Chemicals or AHCCHM304 Transport and Store Chemicals and AHCCHM307 Prepare and Apply Chemicals to Control Pest, Weeds and Diseases).

Workplace and Equipment requirements

A computer, email address and basic computer skills are required to complete this online course. Please check the the full computer course requirements.

Workplace requirements include:

  • Three (3) Chemical labels and SDSs that a student uses in the workplace
  • Knowledge of Three (3) pests in their workplace
  • Access to workplace policies and procedures

Equipment requirements:

  • Camera or recording device (camera, smart phone or tablet device capable of clear images)
  • Helper to record your performance (or tripod setup)
  • PPE Respirator with replaceable filters
  • Manufacturer’s Instructions
  • Cleaning Cloth or Respirator Cloth
  • Perfume or deodorant (to check respirator effectiveness)
  • Knapsack for calibration exercise


Training Location

Online – Australia wide

Delivery Method



Online (Accreditation) – $399

ChemCert Training Group

ChemCert is a registered training organisation (RTO 90855) and is an industry based non-profit organization established in 1999. As the peak accreditation body, ChemCert works with all industry sectors throughout Australia for the training, up-skilling and industry accreditation for users of Agricultural and Veterinary chemicals.

Phone: 02 9439 7910
Freecall: 1800 444 228
RTO: 90855