The success of organisations, regardless of industry, ultimately relies on the successful, regular completion of projects, big and small.

The Project Management Essentials virtual learning series provides an introduction of the tools, techniques, and resources you need to plan, develop, and implement projects. Following the waterfall methodology for managing projects, the series covers all phases of the project lifecycle. You’ll gain insight into project planning, budget preparation, stakeholder management, schedule management, project closure, and review.

The Project Management Essentials virtual class is built for anyone who oversees or works as part of a team for the completion of projects at their organisation.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Determine the focus, purpose and desired outcomes of workplace projects
  • Engage with stakeholders for insight, input, and buy-in
  • Determine project scope and resourcing requirements
  • Develop and implement the project schedule
  • Work with project team members to keep the project on track
  • Monitor and report project performance to stakeholders
  • Establish and implement change control processes
  • Evaluate and report on project outcomes

Entry or Workplace Requirements

There are no entry or workplace requirements to attend this course.

Delivery Method and Time Requirements

Online Virtual Learning Session – 3 x 90-minute sessions across 3 days


$445.50 (includes 10% Feedlot TECH discount)

Australian Institute of Management

Geordie Weber
Feedlot TECH Account Manager
Phone: 02 9956 3963 / 0449 612 131