Getting in front of emerging consumer perceptions is essential to maintain beef as a trusted source of protein on dining tables around the world. In recent times, there has been increased media coverage of the interaction between beef production and the environment. To establish Australia as a world leader in environmental sustainability, the Australian red meat and livestock industry has set the ambitious target to be Carbon Neutral by 2030 (CN30). By 2030, Australian beef, lamb and goat production, including grazing, lot feeding and meat processing, will be making significant progress toward zero net release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere.

Feedlots are an important part of the beef supply chain, providing a high level of production efficiency and lower greenhouse gas emissions per unit of feed intake than grazing cattle. The lot feeding industry is well positioned to contribute towards the industry’s goals of net zero emissions.

This manual contains the most up to date information required to understand emissions and where they originate within the lot feeding sector, ways to account for those, to reduce or mitigate those and then the pathway for linking all that together and becoming carbon neutral. Several case studies demonstrate various approaches to net zero emissions.