If you’re looking to establish your own business or set yourself up for a workplace promotion, this qualification is designed to help you stand out from the crowd and achieve long term career success. By addressing the broad skills needed in dynamic business environments, AIM’s BSB50120 Diploma of Business covers many of the essential knowledge areas required to operate effectively in the Australian business landscape. With an emphasis on real world business practice, it will equip you for a career in management by enhancing your understanding of business operations, teamwork and self-management while developing capabilities in problem solving, effective communication and continuous improvement.

If you’d like to be able to effectively manage the work of others while adding value and reviewing management practices, this qualification is applicable to a broad range of roles across multiple industries and disciplines.  Students undertaking this qualification may already possess substantial experience with sound theoretical business skills and knowledge, and are seeking to further develop their skills across a range of business functions.

Potential career pathways for graduates of this qualification include roles such as an Executive Officer or Administrator. Previous graduates of this program have gone on to roles ranging from clerical and administrative roles to community service and professional roles across a wide variety of industries including Education and Training, Health Care and Social Assistance and Retail Trade.

Course Outcomes and Units Achieved

Achievement of the Diploma of Business (BSB50120) requires the completion of 12 units.

Core unit overview

  • BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others – identify critical and creative thinking concepts and approaches, and their application to a workplace context, facilitate relevant learning opportunities for others, and monitor team skill development.
  • BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans – prepare, implement and modify financial contingency plans, monitor expenditure and control costs, report on budget and expenditure, and review and make recommendations for improvements to financial processes.
  • BSBOPS501 Manage business resources – consult with stakeholders and analyse information, plan for, acquire and allocate resources to maximise efficiency and manage risk, monitor resource use against budgets and business objectives, and report on the level of performance achieved and any adjustments needed to achieve service and product delivery standards.
  • BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability – develop and implement sustainability policy and procedures into wider organisational policies and procedures, and consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability policy development, implementation and continuous improvement.
  • BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace – develop and implement communication protocols in accordance with organisational requirements, present information in a persuasive and professional manner, apply negotiation techniques to reach desired outcomes, address communication challenges for continuous improvement.


Pre-selected elective unit overview

  • BSBCRT512 Originate and develop concepts – generate potential innovative solutions to identified issues, evaluate viability of ideas, present ideas and information to others, and refine chosen solution in response to feedback.
  • BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving – identify task objectives and risks involved with pursuing identified problem, research legislative frameworks, calculate resources required for solution development process, and present proposed solution to key stakeholders.
  • BSBDAT501 Analyse data – analyse and report on datasets according to organisational policies and procedures and industry best practice, and develop report on key outcomes of analysis of datasets.
  • BSBOPS504 Manage business risk – consult and communicate with stakeholders to identify and assess risks, develop and implement an action plan to treat risks, monitor and evaluate the action plan and risk management process, and maintain documentation.
  • BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans – create a business plan, including description of the business, products and services, financial, physical and human resource requirements, regulatory requirements, marketing strategy, financial indicators, and productivity and performance targets for key result areas.
  • BSBPMG430 Undertake project work – develop a project plan, implement, monitor, finalise and review the project and determine lessons learned.
  • BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement – develop systems and processes to enable continuous improvement through effective coaching and knowledge management practices.

Entry or Workplace Requirements

Students must be over 18 years old, have an education level minimum year 12 or Certificate IV. They must also have work experience and access to workplace, be technologically literate and be proficient in English.

Delivery Method and Time Requirements

Online or Blended (face-to-face and online) training.

This course takes 12 months to compete.


$6,930.00 (includes Feedlot TECH discount)

Australian Institute of Management

Geordie Weber
Feedlot TECH Account Manager
Phone: 02 9956 3963 / 0449 612 131
Email: feedlotTECH@aim.com.au
Website: https://www.aim.com.au/
RTO: 0049