New Leader
The transition from peer into a leadership position can be a difficult one. New managers and supervisors are often high individual performers but are ill equipped with the new set […]
Manage Performance Effectively
Optimise your team’s performance by learning proven techniques for consistently delivering results. This short course will uncover ways to successfully manage your own workload and goals while you develop a […]
Manage People Effectively
People are your greatest asset, yet latest data from the AIM 2019 Leadership Survey shows 72% of employees have left a previous job role because of a poor leader or […]
Implementing Innovation and Continuous Improvement
Innovation and continuous improvement work together. These concepts are the key to business growth, and this short course explores their business benefits. It reveals ways of analysing business issues and […]
The Power of Influence
At its core, leadership is about influence. The ability to influence people, teams, customers and even one’s self is the single most powerful leadership skill you can possess. Understanding how […]
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence underlies our self-awareness, empathy, leadership and resilience. In a world where the number of people we work with on a daily basis has multiplied, the ability to understand […]
Frontline Leadership
Leadership expert Stephen M. Covey famously said, “leadership is a choice, not a position”. Today’s flatter and more matrixed organisational structures require leadership behaviours be displayed across all levels of […]
Coaching and Mentoring
It’s proven that ongoing development of employees can drive engagement, improve performance and reduce attrition. Coaching and mentoring is critical for employees to continually develop their skills and progress their […]
Change Management
The rate of change today is unprecedented; however, research shows 70% of organisational change programs fail to achieve their goals. The ability to adapt to constant change with agility and […]
Building Team Performance
High performing teams are made up of focused, skilled and aligned employees who achieve greatness beyond the sum of their parts. Basketball legend Michael Jordan sums it up well, “talent […]